Anyone who knows me well, knows that my two favorite things are cooking and scrapbooking! My husband and I just rented the documentary film called Food, Inc. We have been interested in these types of informative shows about food moreso in the last few years since I have had some health issues. We have changed our way of eating for the better but it has been a slow movement and we are trying to really concentrate on it this year. So in our quest to eat better and really understand where our food is coming from and what goes into making it we have been trying to find local organic foods. In the summer there are a few farmers markets in the area which is really nice and we have a Walmart that does have a few organic items scattered throughout the store. We have a County Market that has most of their organic foods in the same area but still there is not much variety and of course it is very expensive! I don't mind spending more money for good food if we can afford it but lets face feed a family of 4 only organic is extremely costly. So anywho, I found this fantastic website that I wanted to share for those of you looking for local foods that are organic, free range, etc.
And I would also like to mention that the Food Inc. movie was informative and they have a website that I think is of interest. There are also many other documentaries on this subject but I can't remember any titles of them off hand. There was one that I wish I could remember that I would highly recommend you seeing that has a man working undercover in slaughter houses and factories and such to unmask how they really treat animals that we eat.